02 Dez. Digital Illustration5
Tussi 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
Tussi 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
Karikatur Manager 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
ISTAF Berlin Plakatentwurf 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
Auctioneer 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
Cloaked creeper 2008, Digitale Illustration (Corel Painter & Photoshop)...
Day of the Tentacle II 2009, Sephia-Tusche auf Papier, 18 x 12 cm...
Day of the Tentacle - Hoby 2009, Sephia-Tusche auf Papier, 18 x 12 cm...
Day of the Tentacle 2009, Sephia-Tusche auf Papier, 12 x 18 cm...
Monkey Island 2009, Sephia-Tusche auf Papier, 18 x 12 cm...